For over 4,000 years, the mulberry tree has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine. The scientific name for this species is Morus. The most widely found variety of mulberry tree in China is the Morus Alba - also known as the white mulberry.
The leaves, root bark and fruit of the mulberry tree have all had a range of uses throughout history. These parts of the tree are usually turned into extracts, teas, powders or supplements that one can take orally.
If you're looking to try out these traditional medicines made from the Morus Alba, or mulberry tree, you can easily find them online, over the counter, or from traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. Depending on what you need it for, mulberry supplements are available in soft-gel capsules, tablets, powders and liquid extracts.
Although mulberry leaf has been a popular ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, it is still important to be mindful when taking any kind of supplement - even those made from natural sources. It's always best to check with your doctor first before using any kind of herbal supplement.
Health Benefits of the Mulberry Tree
The Mulberry tree is a blessing to many, as it has a plethora of health benefits. Each part of the tree can be used to treat different ailments.
For example, the leaves or sang ye are especially helpful when it comes to curing 'wind exterior' and 'wind heat' according to traditional Chinese medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine, ‘wind heat’ is accompanied by a sore throat, feeling warm and/or agitated (with or without a fever), yellow or green-colored phlegm, and aversion to heat. The sang ye can be used to cool the body, and open your exterior in order to release any harmful pathogens.

Other potential advantages of sang ye include their ability to lower cholesterol, their effects on weight loss, their enhancement of vision, and their enhancement of liver function. The leaves of the Morus Alba tree are also a good source of magnesium and vitamin C.
The sang shen, also known as the mulberry fruit, is a delicious fruit that is also a great source of antioxidants and a great blood supplement. Sang shen is a mild tonifier used in traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the blood, cool the body, and enrich Yin energy.
It is well established that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the mulberry fruit are beneficial to the heart as well as the liver, in addition to having the effect of lowering blood pressure.
Finally, we have the mulberry root. In traditional Chinese medicine, a hot cough can be treated with sang bai pi, which is the cortex or 'peel' of the mulberry root. In addition to a fever, other symptoms of a hot cough include an aversion to cold temperatures, a dry mouth or sore throat, yellow-green phlegm, a headache, and body aches.
The medication brings down the temperature of the lungs, puts an end to coughing and wheezing, and may even be of some assistance with edema (a swelling caused by too much fluid in the tissues).

Side Effects and Precautions of Mulberry as a Medicine
As with any medication, whether traditional medicine, or a vitamin supplement, it is important to be aware of potential side effects and precautions before using it for the first time. Let’s look at some of the potential side effects and precautions of mulberry supplements.
Mulberry leaf is a popular natural supplement that is known to be relatively safe for both humans and animals. But it is important to remember that some side effects may occur with its use. Some people may experience mild side effects after taking the supplements. These side effects can include nausea, dizziness, constipation or diarrhea, and bloating.
It is important to note that mulberry has been linked to lowering blood glucose levels. Therefore, people with low blood pressure should exercise extra caution when taking mulberry supplements and avoid high doses of sang shen. It is best to speak with a medical practitioner first to determine what dose would be best suited for you.
Final Thoughts on the Morus Alba
For thousands of years, practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine have been exploring and utilizing the many health benefits of the Morus Alba tree.
Each part, from the leaf to the fruit to the root, has its own unique set of healing characteristics that can be used to treat a wide range of conditions that might affect the human body. From short-term illnesses to chronic blood deficiencies, the mulberry tree may have the ability to lessen symptoms and even aid in curing the sickness.
The use of mulberry nutritional supplements should be done so in moderation, and prior to self-administering any of the supplements, one ought to first seek the advice of a qualified medical expert or a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine.